
We are committed to cultivating the land in a conscious, reciprocal and balanced way. During retreats, we draw on fire ceremony as the transformative medicine that it is. We spend time walking on the belly of the earth with conscious gratitude. We acknowledge and call upon the four directions, earth and sky for guidance and wisdom. 

We are on a steep and humbling learning curve as we attempt to grow food at 7,000 feet. Our vision is to eventually grow a significant portion of the food that we offer at the center. Dillon Runyon and Finn Runyon are studying a biodynamic approach to farming, so that we are grounded in a spiritually-based approach to the land.

As resources allow, we will shift from fossil-fuel dependence to sustainable energy sources, such as solar and wind. We are exploring our relationship to water, learning to relate to this resource in a way that recognizes its sentience, its preciousness.

Although we feel deep compassion for our planet and the level of suffering that currently exists around the globe, our vision is to bridge to a new paradigm - to dream a different future into being. This is our hope. This is what brings us strength each and every day.

The seeds of the new are already here. Drawing on wisdom from around the globe, we have been shown how to return to right relationship to the world, ourselves, and all that we do. We are making a distinction between knowledge and wisdom, and tapping into the endless source of guidance from within.

We are paying attention to the quieter voices within us and to the many voices of wisdom around us. We are listening to the earth itself and all forms of life that sustain her. This is ancient wisdom, which awakens as we rekindle a relationship to our highest Self.

As we pay attention, listen, and learn, we are taking action, slowly and steadily changing our relationship to virtually every aspect of our lives. We welcome you into this dialogue, honoring your particular path and your unique relationship to a changing world. May we grow together, and find a different way.

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