On Our Way Home
3 days / 4 nights
march 14 - 17th, 2024
taos, new mexico
led by jan birchfield
how to sign up
Please see our pricing info below and determine which price is right for you. Then click the registration button and fill out the registration form, and follow the instructions to submit a deposit to hold your spot. Please scroll down to find out more information about the structure and schedule for the retreat. Feel free to reach out to info@antarataos.com with any questions.
Jan’s work is an exploration of the relationship between personal healing and mysticism. Her work offers an opportunity to anchor to a deeper substratum within, finding an inner place where we can begin to take refuge. During our time together we will:
Chant and Meditate (meditations are no longer than 20 minutes)
Explore spiritual and psychological teachings, including a framework for better understanding the levels of consciousness
Explore whatever you bring into circle from your daily life
Offer healing work that includes shamanic, ancestral and lineage work.
COST & pricing
As a part of Antara’s mission, we care deeply about making our work financially accessible to those who wish to come. It is also important to us to offer fair and good compensation to the people who serve Antara, creating a strong and loving container for the work that we do. In an effort to balance these two values, we offer a four-tiered pricing structure that recognizes and respects individual difference with regard to income.
ANGEL RATE - $2,000 PLUS TAX (TOTALING $2,137.50)
This rate supports the costs of running and maintaining Antara and helps to off-set the cost of those who are coming on scholarship.
FULL RATE - $1,500 PLUS TAX (TOTALING $1,603.13)
This rate supports both the costs specifically related to this retreat as well as overall costs of maintaining the retreat center.
Sustainable Rate - $995 plus tax (totaling $1063.41)
This rate supports all costs related specifically to this retreat, including the labor of our staff.
Supported Rate
There are some scholarships available for those with limited resources. If you have received a scholarship in the past, please note that you must reapply for each retreat. Click here for more information.
how To hold your spot
We ask for a non-refundable deposit of $200 upon registration.
Full tuition payment must be completed by March 7th for this retreat. If you register after this date, then we request that you pay the full tuition up front.
Payments can be made via Venmo to @antara-retreat
You can also make out a check to Contemplative Leadership Development
and mail it to:
417 La Lomita Rd.
Taos, NM 87571.
Antara Scholarship Fund
Antara is grateful for any support that you can offer towards off-setting the cost of those who are not in a position to cover the cost of retreat. Please click here if you wish to make a donation to the scholarship fund.
structure of retreat
Photo by Marisa Vitale
The circle
We begin at 5:00 pm on the Thursday evening of the retreat. There is an opening circle, followed by a light dinner. We ask that you arrive by 4:30 pm so that you are settled and ready to go at 5:00 pm. The opening session is very important, as it will set the tone for the rest of the retreat. Please consider arriving in New Mexico on Wednesday so that you can begin the retreat somewhat rested. This will also give you an opportunity to adjust a bit to the altitude. We will close the circle on Sunday around 6:30 pm and then share a final meal together. We ask that people stay to the end, so that we can hold a tight container for all.
There is a fluid quality to the way that we run retreats, so plan on arriving with a sense of flexibility. Below is a tentative schedule:
4:30 pm: Arrival and settling in
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm: Opening Circle
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm: Light dinner
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday
7:45 am - 9:00: yoga
9:00 - 10:00 am: Breakfast
10:00 am - 1:00 pm: Morning Circle
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm: Lunch and Break
2:30 pm - 6:30 pm: Afternoon Circle
6:30 pm: Dinner
There may be ceremony after dinner on either Friday or Saturday
Antara Retreat Center
417 La Lomita Road
Taos, New Mexico 87571
Meals create the rhythmic backbone for retreats at Antara. Chef Dillon will provide delicious organic, plant-based, gluten-free food. If you have food allergies or restrictions you can let us know on the registration form. The retreat includes 10 meals in total.(@ohholybasil + ohholybasil.com )
There is one casita available on our property, for $150 per night, plus tax. There are a number of Air Bnbs and small hotels within walking distance to the retreat center. If you need help finding housing, please email us at info@antarataos.com.
What to bring
Regardless of the season, the weather in Taos is cooler in the evenings and warmer in the middle of the day, with wide swings in temperature. The days are warm and the evenings are cool, so bring layers. The sun is strong in Taos, particularly in the middle of the day. Sunscreen is advisable.
In general, New Mexico is extremely casual. While on retreat, it is important that you are comfortable, so plan to bring casual and comfortable clothes. If you have a meditation pillow that you prefer, you might want to bring this along.
Because you are coming to a high altitude (Taos sits at over 7,000 feet) you may want to consider taking chlorophyl to provide your body with support for this transition. Optimally, begin taking a chlorophyl supplement a week or two before you arrive and continue to do so throughout your stay. ChlorOxygen is a great supplement option.
While there may be times when it is necessary to stay connected to the outside world, it is important to minimize this. Retreats, at their best, provide an opportunity to “unplug.” If you are in a position to do so, you may want to minimize your screen time or leave a message that indicates that you will be out of reach so that you can truly detach from the outside world.
integration time
After retreat, it is important to allow yourself time to absorb, integrate, and digest your experience. For this reason, I would encourage you to build in some time after the retreat to simply let down. If you can stay an extra day, this is ideal, as this will help with integration once you return home and will allow a deeper absorption of your experience here in Taos.
Photo by Marisa Vitale
getting here
There is a small airline with direct flights from four cities to Taos (JSX) but it only runs seasonally.
The closest airport is in Santa Fe. It is a small airport, serviced by American Eagle Airlines and United Airlines. It is about an hour and twenty minute drive from Santa Fe airport to Taos.
There is a larger international airport in Albuquerque that tends to have less expensive options than Santa Fe. Taos is due north of Albuquerque and the drive is about two hours and twenty minutes.
The easiest option for getting from the airport to Taos is to rent a car, as the public transportation options are minimal.
These shuttles have limited runs from both the Sunport International Airport (Albuquerque) and Santa Fe airport:
Taos Rides: https://taosrides.com/
Tripcarma: https://tripcarma.com/
Photo by Marisa Vitale
Once you are on La Lomita (coming from town or from Valverde) you will see the Dreamcatcher Bed and Breakfast on your left.
Our driveway is just past the Dreamcatcher on the right. Make sure and look for the 417 sign, as there is a second driveway right before ours that sometimes confuses people.
Turn right into our driveway.
Take the first right turn following the sign to 417.
The road will curve to the left and then shoot straight back. Antara will be right in front of you.
Right after entering the property you will see parking on your right.
If you have any problems with directions call 609-658-7770 (This is Finn, Jan's husband's, cell)
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any additional questions at info@antarataos.com
The Retreat Center
Our retreat center sits on five acres of land within half a mile of downtown Taos.