Wing of Effort describes in beautifully direct language the spiritual expansion Jan experienced under David‘s tutelage as she learned to let go, surrendering to a path of uncertainty and Grace by her willingness to anchor to the deepest substratum within herself, and to slowly release the dictates of the mind, culture, and family.
hardcover printed edition
$15.00 • Printed Book • 240 pages
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This is a deeply personal account of Jan’s quest for a deeper connection to Spirit emanating from a mystical longing that she traces back to her earliest childhood memories. Jan desperately sought to meet this longing through a number of spiritual practices and traditions, and through a deep dive into philosophical and psychological inquiry, searching for something that she knew existed but could not find.
In mid-life, finding herself up against the outer limits of her search, Jan ardently began to pray for a spiritual teacher. A living example of the notion that “when the student is ready the teacher will come,” David La Chapelle essentially appeared in her backyard, with a capacity to meet the depth of her spiritual longing. After putting David through a series of tests around his spiritual and moral integrity, a great trust blossomed between them, and a profound mentorship emerged.
Wing of Effort describes in beautifully direct language the spiritual expansion Jan experienced under David‘s tutelage as she learned to let go, surrendering to a path of uncertainty and Grace by her willingness to anchor to the deepest substratum within herself, and to slowly release the dictates of the mind, culture, and family. Her account is raw and unfiltered as she shares the rocky and untrodden path that unfolded before her. Her story is a lovely illustration of the mystical path, a journey that ultimately cannot be named but can be experienced.